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    Pregnancy Counselling

    Pregnancy is a season in our lives and during this season we can have an array of emotions. We can feel overwhelmed and hugely uncertain along with elated and full of anticipation for our new arrival.

    We are led to believe that pregnancy is a complete joy-filled experience and the reality may often be very different. In my experience when women feel anything other than the joy, they feel like they are not doing pregnancy right. I am a mother so I understand the complexities of pregnancy and am passionate about empowering you to experience pregnancy in your way.

    Common experiences of mothers are;

    • Worry about labour particularly if you have had a traumatic birth in the past.
    • Not loving their bump
    • Not feeling connected to the baby
    • Feeling resentful of others who are not pregnant
    • Finding it difficult with the physical changes and pain that may be associated with pregnancy.
    • Irritability
    • Constant worrying about being a good mother
    • Mood swings
    • Feeling overwhelmed with all the right things to do during pregnancy.
    • Feeling overwhelmed with all that could go wrong during pregnancy.

    Women can also experience symptoms of anxiety, depression, panic attacks, OCD and eating disorders.

    Coming to counselling during pregnancy can help you in managing the mixed emotions you may be feeling about pregnancy and parenting. Issues that come up for mothers during pregnancy are all very easily worked through. I will offer you support a non-judgemental perspective along with my experience of working in the area.

    Women who come to therapy in pregnancy often mention that it helped in the transition when the baby arrives. Counselling during pregnancy is about building resilience and finding a way to navigate this season of your life.


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