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  • 3 Signs You Have Post Natal Depression You Should Be Aware Of

    The birth of a child is a wondrous event that, that is also a huge transition for both parents to navigate. It is not always plain sailing in terms of our adjustment to parenthood. Having children can bring joy into a family’s life and also many other emotions can be experienced. When the joy you feel throughout this transition (which is not always) is overshadowed by feelings of sadness and hopelessness you may be experiencing more than the normal experience of transitioning into parenting. For mothers experiencing postpartum depression and it is important for new mothers to be aware of what this may look like.

    Not feeling ok postpartum can occur in the first few months after the birth of a baby and up to one year. It can also happen after a miscarriage and stillbirth as well. Beyond feeling sad and hopeless, this can make it very difficult for a mother to bond with and care for her new baby.

    It’s important to mention that postpartum depression is not the same thing as having, what is typically referred to as, the “baby blues.” These “blues” are milder and, more often than not, go away in a couple of weeks. The symptoms of postpartum depression, brought on it is thought by significant hormonal changes, can last for several months.

    If left untreated, women experiencing postpartum depression are in danger of hurting their baby and themselves.

    Signs of Postpartum Depression

    If you or a loved one are experiencing any of the following symptoms, please speak with your doctor who can connect you with a professional therapist. You don’t have to suffer alone.

    Lack of Motivation or Energy

    This is experienced beyond the normal range of fatigue and lack of motivation after having a baby. A women may feel low mood for the majority of her day and not feel like doing anything outside of taking care of her baby. She may also feel she can’t concentrate. Feeling inadequate can also come up due to the lack of motivation also. Mothers may also mention that they cry easily and for long periods of time.

    Changes to Sleeping or Eating Habits

    A change in eating or sleeping habits is always a sign that something may be going on with a new mother. For instance, if you or someone you know suddenly begins eating far more than you used to, or, stops eating altogether, this is a red flag that PPD may be the cause.

    Also, new mothers are usually exhausted and should have little trouble falling asleep when given the opportunity to rest. If sleep cycles seem disrupted, it could be a sign of a bigger issue.

    Feelings of Rage

    New mothers who have PPD may find themselves with feelings of chronic irritability and even rage. Should a woman suddenly find herself flying off the handle or acting out in angry, aggressive ways, something she’s never done in the past, it could be a sign that something more may be going on.

    Mothers experiencing PPD need a lot of support. This means asking not just how the baby is, but how she is and really listening to the answer. It also means helping take care of the baby so the new mother can rest and get the help she needs.

    Please know that if you are a mother and you feel any of these things there is help and you do not need to be feeling this way for any longer. You deserve to enjoy your baby and to have a normal range of emotional experiences as a mother.

    If you or a loved one is interested in exploring working together, please contact me today. I would be happy to speak with you about how I may be able to help.

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